Past Life Regression Therapy

“Past life therapy can help one to resolve karma, cleanse energy blockages, improve relationships, overcome from psychosomatic disorders and aid personal growth. Above all, it can bring you a step closer to the timeless in you that can never die.”
Master is the pioneer in Past Life Regression Therapy and is doing research from the past few years about Mind-Body–Soul. He has invented and introduced various curing and relaxation methods. He has personally conducted regressions, and workshops throughout the globe. A lot of people have benefitted through his workshops.

Past Life Regression:

Did you know that many of the issues that you are experiencing in your current life may have their root cause in your past lives? Our subconscious mind (our soul) records and remembers everything that we have ever experienced, not only what we have experienced during our current life but also, everything that we experienced during lives that we may have lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago or more. These stored memories can reappear throughout our lives and may even cause issues during our current lives unless they are released.
We have experienced many traumatic and upsetting situations throughout our many lifetimes. The traumas that we experience often create blockages in our energy bodies. These past traumas and blockages can lead to a host of issues in our current lives, including but not limited to: fears, phobias, health issues, aches, pains, illness, disease, allergies, mishaps, accidents, problems in relationships, being overweight, and even financial problems, and many other issues.
Since our subconscious mind (our soul) remembers everything that we have ever experienced, the memories of our traumas continue to accumulate layer upon layer until we release them. The more traumas that we experience, the more issues we may have during our current lives. Sometimes simply viewing a past life is sufficient to heal from past life traumas. However, sometimes one may need to release the traumas through healing.

Regression Therapy:

Regression therapy is one such healing technique that may be used to heal our past lives. The healing takes place at the root cause of the issue and also heals all subsequent issues that have occurred after the root cause that are related to the issue leading all the way up to the present moment.
Remember, the person that you are today is a combination of everyone you have ever been. Your current life, as well as, your past lives shaped the person that you are today. Exploring who you were in the past is a window into a part of who you are today!
Past Life Regression (PLR) is a technique that uses Hypnosis to recover the memories of past lives or incarnation. It is one of the best techniques to energize the soul of individual by making them to journey into their past lives. PLR is a wonderful healing process as it works deeper on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. PLR provides us the resolution of anxiety attacks, chronic pain, depression, fears that quite do not make sense. Its main objective is to make life easier, better and more fulfilling, in this present moment. Past Life Regression works on the root cause and it enables extremely deep change to take place at the very source of the problem. PLR is based on the principles of cause and effect (also known as law of karma). Many of us have pain, fears, phobias, negative thoughts of attitudes that we know could not have originated in our childhood. Often, the cause can be found in a much larger story from past life that is simmering just below the surface. This cause may be a past desire, a past thought, past feeling, a past emotion, a past vow, a past promise, a past decision, a past evasion or a past traumatic experience. PLR is a therapy that delves into the past to make the present better. It is based on the philosophy that we are eternal souls who carry forward learning and experiences from one human lifetime to another. As eternal beings, we experience physical life on earth in a series of human bodies. On a spirit level, we choose each life as a means of learning the lessons we have decided for ourselves.

Welfares of Regression Therapy:

  • Clearing trauma is the most common aspect of healing in past life regression. By relieving the experience through a session, one can let go of past traumas and move on from them.
  • Profound grounding and affirmation.
  • Relief from mental and emotional symptoms such as stress, anxiety, fear, and phobias. Many times after a past life regression, symptoms like these go away immediately with no recurrence.
  • A more in-depth understanding of current life challenges. The past often holds the root of our problems. By acknowledging and extending forgiveness to our past selves, our current selves can experience immense growth
  • Healing acts in which your past life self was the perpetrator of wrongdoing, as opposed to the victim.
  • A release of limiting thoughts. The experience is extremely powerful and allows you to remove barriers to your own inner peace. The challenges in your life become viewed as lessons to learn and as stepping stones along your evolutionary journey.
  • An expanded sense of universal love and acceptance of self and others.
  • A better understanding of relationships and the ability to create healthier patterns.
  • Forgiveness toward those who have wronged you and for your own transgressions in past lives.
  • Renewed motivation to make desired changes. For example, someone who has struggled with weight all their life finds that they starved to death in a previous life or spent much time without food. They are able to make sense of this life’s struggles and repair the trauma from the past life, therefore opening the door to release the extra weight.
  • Dissolve fear of death. Understanding that we all choose our lives on purpose and there is no end to our energy and soul.
  • A transformation in grief and the ability to release helpless feelings around the loss of loved ones.

“In general, a regression will make you more aware of your soul’s immortal existence. This will especially change your basic attitudes toward both life and death, which is then no longer the final destination of all existence.”

Medium of Instruction: Kannada

Venue: Bengaluru

To enroll call: 9108856768